Association Langas į ateitį has been coordinating annual European All Digital Week campaigns in Lithuania since 2010 aiming to help people of all ages who are most in need of digital literacy. This year, the campaign has expanded to five weeks and is run from 14 March to 14 April. Each week of the campaign invites Lithuanian citizens to test, improve their digital literacy skills and participate in the webinars.
The theme of the Week 1 is "What are my digital skills?". This week, participants will have the opportunity to take knowledge tests and discover their gaps that prevent them from working efficiently and living well. The digital skills tests will be based on both - tests developed by Langas į ateitį as well as and DigSat test based on the European Digital Competences Framework for Citizens, developed by the Joint Research Centre and the European Commission.
Week 2, from 21-25 March, will focus on cyber security knowledge and safer online behaviour. A strong and hard-to-guess password is just one of the tools to stay safe in cyberspace. One of this week's speakers, Renata Danielienė, a Lithuanian Digital Champion, will explain what dangers can lurk in the vastness of the internet and how best to protect ourselves and our children from them, while competent financial crime prevention experts from the Lithuanian Banking Association will advise on how to strengthen our vigilance, what we need to know about finance and the internet in order to avoid falling for scams, and finally how to behave in a situation that raises suspicion.
The theme of Week 3 is STEM skills. STEM is a specialisation in science, technology, engineering and maths. This field of study is becoming more and more viable every year in the fast-changing world of technology. The Baltic Institute for Educational Technology invites you to an online discussion this week. This is a particularly opportune time for girls and young women who have decided to find their way in STEM fields while still at school, making it easier to choose future studies. During the discussion, we will share advice from girls with years of experience in the technology sector on what to look out for to not only succeed in STEM but also to work in creative and interesting jobs in the field.
In the Week 4, on 4-8 April, we will improve our digital skills. In addition to the self-learning lessons, we will invite all employees to the webinar on "Principles and safeguards for working remotely from home" which will be run by ATEA UAB experts. This topic is still highly important today. Another webinar will invite adults to get acquainted to virtual support for emotional health and advise on how not to get lost in the digital space.
The last WEEK 5 of the campaign will be concluded by the Lithuanian National Mažvydas Library and Dr Ramūnas Trimakas in the webinar talking about critical thinking and why it is so important in our society in these times of misinformation. All of us are confronted with propaganda and lies these days. In order to resist this misleading information, it is first of all important to recognise it.
*ALL DIGITAL Week is an annual Europe-wide digital skills campaign. The aim is to encourage people to better understand and benefit from modern technologies and to learn how to use them effectively in their daily lives. For more information on All Digital Week 2022 activities in Lithuania, please visit www.epilietis.lt and for EU-wide events - www.alldigitalweek.eu.