What was the primary goal of this project?
To offer a platform for public servants to test and improve their digital skills. These competences are crucial when high quality digital services are needed (especially in times like the COVID-19 pandemic).
Why was such platform needed?
- In the International Civil Service Effectiveness Index (InCiSE, 2019) Lithuania is 36 out of 38 OECD countries in the public servants’ competence area.
- According to our survey of 255 Lithuanian public servants who work at government ministries, 68% of the respondents said that they either are not aware of or do not have an opportunity to develop their (digital) skills in their workplace.
- In a series of interviews we conducted, a significant number of experts who are responsible for human resource management at the Lithuanian ministries reported that: most institutions do not invest enough money into their employees’ competences, the frequent political changes do not allow for a strategic skills development process to be in place, and the lack of human resources to manage skills development within the organization are all significant barriers to skills development across the ministries.
- During the interview process and a roundtable discussion, the “one-stop shop” idea of the Digital Lithuania Academy platform was presented to the representatives of the public, private and non-governmental sectors. They all agreed that a highly interactive and simple to use online tool could be a single place, where skills could be tested and improved upon, as well as host a database of company initiatives that could be contracted to train public servants’ digital skills in person.
What has the team achieved?
- Analysed the current situation of digital competences among the public sector employees by investigating international ratings, local agency reports, and conducting a survey in which around 10% of public servants self-assessed their skills.
- Compiled a summary of good international practices that are used to train public sector employees to embrace digitization. We looked at the GDS (Government Digital Service) of the United Kingdom, e-Estonia initiative of Estonia, “Smart Nation Singapore” strategy of Singapore and Agency for Digitization of Denmark.
- Conducted an interview cycle with 7 of the 14 Lithuanian ministry representatives about the practices of organizing trainings for public sector employees.
- Developed a theoretical model of the “Digital Lithuania Academy” platform and build a prototype of it which was tested with a group of public and private sector and NGO representatives.
- Developed partnerships with governmental institutions such as IT and Communications department at the Ministry of the Interior, Information Society Development Committee, National Digital Coalition, GovTech Lab Lithuania, Microsoft Lithuania, association “Langas į ateitį”, Talentator and others.
- Organized 2 event series for Lithuania’s public servants – “Digital Lithuania Academy forum” and “Digital Lunch&Learn”. Events covered various topics about digital skills and tendencies.
News details
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skills
Digital skill level
Digital expert
Type of initiative
National initiative